Friday, October 28, 2011

Day Three

Something I need to forgive myself for...

This one I am not going into detail on, but let me just say that I have no (or very little) regrets. I may regret some of my actions and means, but not my decisions. These choices made the path that I currently am on today, and as we know, one small decision as simple as going to the store can have a huge impact. Had I made a decision so minute as that, I would not have joined the military, met either of my husbands, nor would I have had my children, so for these EVEN small decisions I am very thankful. Any deviation could have set a domino effect on a completely different path and I would be missing out on what I truly was intended for.

That being said, and having very little regret, I guess something that I have to forgive myself for is not living up to my true potential. I have a very strong math and science grasp, yet many times I feel like a failure, like I have not became all that I could have been and used my God-given talent. I see endless people my age, very successful and I look down on myself for that. Time has not left me though and through my determination, will figure out a way to use what I have been blessed with. One way to help me cope with these feelings is to view the successes in life at different angles. I too am successful, just with something completely different.


  1. Darcy,
    Very thoughtful blog and well written too. Maybe writing is one of your talents? I love your comments about how seemingly minor things make a big difference. So true. Please don't sell yourself short. You are a wonderful person and being a mother is a 24/7 job that is so important to the future of the world. What you do is more important than the CEO of the world's biggest corporation. Your life is measured in your impact on others, and think of the many ways you have already positively affected others. As the kids grow, you'll have opportunities to develop other skills. But you are serving a noble cause.

  2. Wow. Thanks Dad! I love to write btw. I just never sit down and do it. Taking up this challenge that several of my friends have done has sort of forced me out of my shell. I am really enjoying it. It's a little journey in self-discovery/awareness as well :-). Love you too!
